Welcome to Geography, Environment, and Planning (GEP)
Where Applied STEM meets the Social Sciences to solve environmental problems
We study human-environment relationships from around world with the goal of helping to solve local, regional and global environmental problems.
To address environmental challenges, it is critical to have a deep understanding of both natural and human systems (and their interactions) in different ecological, economic, political and cultural contexts. GEP students learn key fundamentals about environmental science and policy, and they develop practical skills as they use tools of the trade in lab and field courses. GEP faculty teach and conduct research in many different areas of specialization within the environmental field.
Our location in Sonoma County and the greater Bay Area places us at the doorstep of many living-laboratory ecosystems as well as an urban environment of more than 11 million people.
Learn more below about our three majors and two minor programs.
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Earth System Science, Conservation & Restoration
Environmental Policy & Management
Energy Management & Green Construction
Geospatial Modeling & Analysis; Environmental Remote Sensing
Urban, Transportation & Environmental Planning
Economic Development & Sustainability