Native Plant & Butterfly Gardens

The Kenneth Stocking Native Plant Garden is a demonstration garden that includes 15 different plant communities representing the major floristic provinces of California. A butterfly garden overlays three of these plant communities. GEP students help maintain these gardens through classes, volunteer activities, and internships.
The garden is located on the northeast side of campus and along Copeland Creek Trail. It contains five trails:
1. Butterfly Meadow Trail
2. Web of Life /Basketry Trail
3. Nature's Drug Store
4. To Eat or Not to Eat
5. Gardening with Oaks
Since 2022, the Center for Environmental Inquiry (CEI) has been assisting with renovation of the garden by employing a manager and students to remove invasive species, maintain trails and develop educational opportunities.

GEP Courses Utilizing This Space Include:
GEP 319 NATIVE PLANTS IN RESTORATION This is a field course in applied aspects of propagation, placement and function of CA native plants in landscape and restoration settings. Topics include: native plant species, plant communities, techniques for selecting, collecting and replicating plants for production, restoration site preparation and maintenance. Additional topics may include: career opportunities utilizing native plants, restoration principals, botany, plant disease and sanitation, invasive plant removal, ethnobotany, guest speakers and fieldtrips.

Native Plant Restoration Internship
GEP helps to maintain the Native Plant & Butterfly Gardens, and regularly recruits students to help manage the space. Students gain practical skills in native plant propagation, invasive species eradication, and other ecological restoration techniques. GEP students who are exploring careers in ecological restoration can use this work as an internship for credit in the GEP major.
For more information, contact Heidi Herrmann at: