Galbreath Preserve

The preserve lies in the territory of the Central Pomo people. In the late 1800's - early 1900's, the area was heavily logged for Doug Fir and redwoods. Fred Burckhalter Galbreath purchased the property in 1944 and operated a sheep ranch on some of the land. He also managed the property to enhance and protect the region's natural biodiversity. In 2004, the Galbreath family donated the land to Sonoma State, thereby realizing Fred Galbreath's request that the land be protected in perpetuity and used as a site for higher education
Galbreath supports several different vegetation mosaics that are representative of the inner and the outer North Coast Range geo-floristic districts Those mosaics include Pacific Douglas Fir forest, Redwood Forests, Hardwood Forests and Grasslands.
Students and faculty in GEP (and other departments) visit the site for field trips and conduct research.