Environmental Systems
This concentration is designed for students who would like to focus on the natural environment, including the nature of biophysical patterns and processes, as well as applied, science-based conservation, restoration, conservation planning, land management, and preservation. Please Note: This is the teach out plan and changes are noted in bold italics.
Foundation Courses
Concentration (18 Units)
Must take at least one 400 level capstone course during junior/senior year. Take at least two courses in GEP 340-359, Biological Path: GEP 447 Required. Breadth not double-counted in concentration
Concentration (18 units)
Course |
Units |
GE |
GEP 318 Agroecology in Practice |
2 |
GEP 319 Native Plant Propagation in Practice |
2 |
GEP 340 Applied Ecology |
3 |
GEP 343 Biogeography |
4 |
GEP 344 Field Methods |
2 |
GEP 345 Lab Methods |
2 |
GEP 346 Restoration Ecology |
4 |
GEP 350 Geomorphology |
4 |
GEP 351 Natural Hazards |
3 |
GEP 352 Soil Science |
3-4 |
GEP 354 Watershed Hydrology & Mgmt. |
4 |
GEP 355 Weather and Climate |
3 |
GEP 359 Special Topics in Environ. Systems |
2-4 |
GEP 380 Environmental Remote Sensing |
4 |
GEP 388 Environmental GIS |
3-4 |
GEP 447 Conservation Biology |
4 |
GEP 456 Global Climate Change |
4 |
GEP 486 Environmental Data Analysis |
4 |
GEP 489 Advanced GIS |
3-4 |
Supporting Courses (12-13 units)
Choose one of two pathways to meet the 12 unit minimum
Biological Path |
Units |
GE |
BIOL 130 Cell Biology and Genetics (Required) |
4 |
B2 |
BIOL 131 Biological Diversity and Ecology (Required) |
4 |
B2 |
BIOL 322;323;324;327;329;330;332;333;335;337;341;350,351 |
4 |
Physical Path |
Units |
GE |
BIOL 131 Biological Diversity and Ecology (Required) |
4 |
B2 |
CS 115 Programming I |
4 |
B3 |
GEOL 303/304 Adv Principles of Geol/Mapping/Report writing |
5 |
B3 |
GEOL 323 Hydrology |
4 |
GEOL 306 Environmental Geology |
4 |
GEOL 310 Geophysics |
4 |