Wendy St. John

Darwin Hall 216Office Hours
MS Biology, Sonoma State University, 2015
BA Biology, minor in Paleontology. Sonoma State University, 2011
Academic Interests
Field research with Dr. Nick Geist, focusing on reproductive behavior and aspects of nest-site choice exhibited by female Western Pond Turtles.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Master’s Thesis. Drivers of Non-Random Nest-Site Selection in an Oviparous Vertebrate. May, 2015.
Presentation. Drivers of Nest-Site Selection and Fidelity in an Egg-laying Vertebrate. May, 2015, Sonoma State University Biology Colloquium, Rohnert Park, CA.
Presentation. Patterns of Nesting Behavior in a Northern California Population of Western Pond Turtles. January, 2014, Annual Meeting of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society, Reno, NV.
Poster. Spaciotemporal Patterns of Nesting Behavior in a Northern California Population of Western Pond Turtles, Wendy St. John, Nicole Christie, Nick Geist, Zannie Dallara. Presented August, 2012, World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, B.C.
Poster. Effects of Nest Temperature Variation on Viability and Sex Determination of Western Pond Turtles, Nicole Christie, Nick Geist, Zannie Dallara, Wendy St. John. Presented August, 2012, World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, B.C.
Poster. Timing of Nesting and Nest Site Selection in a Northern California Population of Western Pond Turtles (Emys marmorata), Nicole Christie, Wendy St. John, Nick Geist, Katherine Desmond, Zannie Dallara. Presented February, 2011, at The Wildlife Society Western Section Conference, Riverside, CA