Campus (Agroecology) Garden

The Campus Garden serves as a demonstration and teaching tool for students and the public. The garden showcases sustainable, organic, agroecology practices, and demonstrates how these practices maintain both natural biodiversity and human health. Through internships, volunteering and classroom experiences, students establish a sense of community and develop practical skills in food production and ecological conservation.
The garden is also a non-profit enterprise that SSU students have managed since the 1970’s. Students harvest well over 1,000 pounds of organic produce a year and donate it to SSU's Lobos Food Pantry as well as to local food banks such as NOAH (Neighbors Organized Against Hunger).
GEP welcomes involvement and support. For more information, follow the garden on Instagram:

GEP Courses Utilizing This Space Include:
GEP 318 AGROECOLOGY IN PRACTICE This course provides a broad introduction to the design and management of agroecosystems. Students explore the theory and practice of agroecology and how it’s principles address social and environmental problems in the global food system. Students are introduced to agroecological production methods, including soil management, water systems, biodiversity development, integrated pest management, flower production and urban gardening methods, and applications of these methods in a student garden. Approximately half of this course is classroom-based instruction while the other half is hands-on garden-based work.
Garden Steward / Intern
Every year, GEP hires a Garden Steward to manage the garden. For GEP students exploring careers in food and agriculture, this position can serve an internship for the GEP major as well.
Recent GEP major, Sophia P., held the position, saying that "working for the campus garden inspired me to pursue a career in sustainable agriculture and land stewardship-related fields. It has been one of my favorite parts of campus life. My favorite parts of the job have been finding frogs in the irrigation boxes, making connections with the people receiving our weekly harvest donations, and making new friends on volunteer days."