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Supporting BA
- ANTH 328 New Tech Arch and Cult Heritage
- ANTH 345 Nature and Society
- ANTH 352 Global Issues
- BIOL 131 Biological Diversity and Ecology
- BIOL 312 Biological Oceanography
- CALS 432 Latinas/os and Globalization
- CALS 480 Latin American Migration to the US
- CS 115 Programming I
- GEOL 303 Adv Geology
- GEOL 306 Environmental Geology
- GEOL 310 Geophysics
- GEOL 323 Hydrology
- HIST 471 The American West
- NAMS 346 Philosophic Systems and Sacred Movements
- POLS 314 Environmental Political Theory
- POLS 452 Politics of the Developing World
- SOCI 382 Social Movements
- SOCI 384 Sociology of Consumption
- SOCI 425 Urban Sociology
- SOCI 482 Environmental Policy and Justice