Supporting BS
Note: Classes may have lower division prerequisites.
Biological Science Theme
- BIOL 314 Field Biology
- BIOL 322 Invertebrate Biology
- BIOL 323 Entomology
- BIOL 324 Biology of Marine Mammals
- BIOL 327 Vertebrate Biology
- BIOL 329 Plant Biology
- BIOL 330 Plant Taxonomy
- BIOL 332 Marine Biology
- BIOL 333 Ecology
- BIOL 335 Marine Ecology
- BIOL 337 Behavioral Ecology
- BIOL 338 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
- BIOL 341 Evolution
- BIOL 351 Climate Change Biology
Physical Science Theme
- CHEM 300 Chemistry of Sustainability
- CHEM 335A Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 336A Organic Chemistry Lab I
- GEOL 303 Advanced Geology
- GEOL 310 Geophysics
- GEOL 323 Hydrology
Data Science Theme
- ANTH 328 New Tech Arch and Cult Heritage
- BIOL 485 Biometry
- CS 210 Intro to UNIX
- CS 215 Programming II
- CS 355 Database Managment
- CS 370 Software Design & Dev.
- CS 386 Selected Topics in CS with Lab
- ECON 317 Introduction to Econometrics
- ES 314 Adv. Programming, Simulation & Modeling
- MATH 161 Differential and Integral Calculus I
- PHYS 381 Computer Applications for Scientists