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People on the street riding various personal mobility devices
Fang: Rules of the Road for Personal Transportation Devices

In recent years, “Personal Transportation Devices” (PTDs) have exploded onto streets and sidewalks. These small devices transport individual persons at slow speeds and are either human-powered or motorized.

Hurricane Maria
Professor Hernández Ayala's recently published paper makes an impression in global media

Professor Hernández Ayala's paper Extreme Rainfall Associated With Hurricane Maria Over Puerto Rico and Its Connections to Climate Variability and Change has recently been cited in the media.

Microgrid Schematic
Soto: Modeling fuel consumption in microgrids

Supplying electricity to populations without full access requires cost-effective, distributed sources of electricity generation. Diesel generators are a popular electricity source because of their low capital costs, but they can have high operating costs.

Goman: Recording 5,000 years of environmental change in Oaxaca. Mexico

Despite several decades of research focusing on prehispanic human ecology, debate continues over the impact of climatic and anthropogenic landscape change on human populations in Mesoamerica.

Maize Pollen
Goman et al. 1998. Recreating Climate and Agricultural Landscape Histories Using Pollen and Charcoal

We present pollen and microscopic charcoal evidence from securely dated lake sediments, located in the Tuxtlas region of Veracruz, Mexico. Two periods of agricultural activity are recognized.